Content Writing

Create content that your visitors will admire. Good content shall be read just like daily newspaper.

Content Writing

Create content that your visitors will admire. Good content shall be read just like daily newspaper.

What is web content and why do online businesses need it?

There’s a well-known saying in the digital marketing business that “Content is King”. This is no longer true – content is no longer king. Today, only good content is king. With so much new information being produced and published every day, if your content isn’t well-created and well-promoted, it will not stand out. If it doesn’t stand out, it will not be seen. If it’s not seen, you won’t make any money. Whether you own a local business in Los Angeles, or anywhere else you need relevant web content to impress your audience.

Without Good Content, You’re Dead in the Water

To have a responsive well-designed website is great but Content is the only thing that drives customers to your website, keeps your visitors there, engages them with you and ultimately leads to a purchase of your products or a request for your services. Your content must have all of the following characteristics: it must be compelling, informative, and entertaining. It must also be relevant to your audience, it must be engaging, and most importantly, it must be fresh. Your website, no matter how well optimized, will begin to drop in search rankings if you do not continue to post new content on a regular basis

Quality content keeps Google's panda away

Your web content, should be relevant to searcher’s intent, add value or resolve a challenge. If content of a web page, is in low quality then it might trigger Google’s Panda Penalty ,which is designed mainly to catch low quality web pages. So you should always remove poor quality content and improve your web copies.

So What Content do I Need for my Business?

There are two types of content: on-page content and off-page content.


Your web content, should be relevant to searcher’s intent, add value or resolve a challenge. If content of a web page, is in low quality then it might trigger Google’s Panda Penalty ,which is designed mainly to catch low quality web pages. So you should always remove poor quality content and improve your web copies.

Blogs get found easily by search engines and are the primary method used by many companies to engage their customers with fresh content on a weekly or even daily basis. This content draws visitors to your site. Blogs are also a major factor in driving traffic to your website from the search engines.

Videos have become a vital part of the marketing mix ever since Google bought YouTube for over a billion dollars. Videos are a highly effective way of selling, demonstrating, promoting, entertaining, informing, or educating your audience. The better your video content, the happier are your visitors.

Infographics are another important area which businesses are using to “show and tell” at the same time.


Then there’s off-page content, and in today’s Internet, you literally have thousands of choices. Your videos can be posted to YouTube, your articles can be published on hundreds of magazine sites like Ezine Articles, Manta etc. If you belong to a professional organization (plumbers, doctors) there are many profession-specific destinations for your content to be published. Then there are sites in your niche: whether you sell knitting supplies or computer parts, there are many destinations in every niche.

Then there’s the press release.

A well-written press release about a genuine news item will attract more visitors than most other content. But if it’s not a newsworthy story, you are wasting your time and your money

All your content, whether on-page or off-page, must be of high quality, it must be fully optimized and fully compliant with the needs and requirements of the search engines. The best content, if it isn’t optimized, will be invisible to the search engines. And that’s not what business owners want.


Unless you are a professional writer, graphics artist, video producer, search engine optimization specialist, and know all about digital marketing, public relations and promotion, you cannot possibly do the enormous amount of work required to produce good web copy and distribute it effectively.

A web page written for a machine looks entirely different from a web page that people can read. You have to create content for both. That means in addition to creating your content, it all has to be optimized for the search engines. Otherwise the search engines won’t find you, even if you have the best content.

You need to be fully conversant in Google’s policies, you need to create compliant meta titles and meta description tags, and hundreds of other details for both on-page and off-page optimization.

To achieve a high ranking on the search engines, your content must be fully optimized to be compliant with the search engines’ very strict rules.